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Chinese Narratives: Second Thomas Shoal

By October 21, 2024October 22nd, 2024No Comments

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On June 17, 2024, a Chinese vessel collided with a Philippine supply ship near the Spratly Islands, a flashpoint in the South China Sea.

Exovera’s Analysis:

In the months leading up to the incident, Chinese state media increasingly promoted a narrative of “Western Aggression” concerning the Second Thomas Shoal and Spratly Islands.

  • A focused search of Exovera’s extensive media sources for “南沙群岛” (Nánshā Qúndǎo, Spratly Islands) and “仁爱礁” (Rén’ài Jiāo, Second Thomas Shoal) reveals typical propaganda from the Chinese government perspective. The issue is most closely associated with the narrative that western aggression undermines global security.
  • A clear cycle of Chinese media coverage pushing this narrative surged, peaking on April 17, two months before the incident.
  • The primary groundwork message asserts that the Philippines, labeled as a “puppet of the US,” is responsible for recent escalating tensions in the South China Sea.

Volume of Narratives about “The West” in Chinese content mentioning 南沙群岛 and 仁爱礁

Associated Messaging in Content:

  • China has rightful sovereignty in the South China Sea
  • The US wants instability in the region to justify its intervention
  • Philippines are a puppet of the US
  • Philippine provocations against China are increasing
  • Philippines are dishonest, irresponsible, acting illegally
  • China must act to protect its sovereignty

Example articles and excerpts widely distributed across China:

The following Chinese-language articles containing the “Western Aggression” narrative and criticizing the Philippines and the US about the reef were widely distributed across China in April 2024. Multiple articles were found to be repeated in 17 different Chinese outlets in the data set, likely the pattern of an organized editorial effort.

  1. British scholars prove that China has indisputable sovereignty over the South China Sea islands (Dazhong Net, April 21)
  2. International Sharp Comments: Philippines Beware of Being Implanted with a “Trojan Horse” (Qianlong, April 8)

“Since last year, the Philippines has been constantly causing trouble in the South China Sea, repeatedly invading the waters near China’s Huangyan Island and Ren’ai Reef.” … “The Philippines verbally claims to pursue regional peace, but its actual actions are to create confrontation and conflict. The main reason behind this is the instigation and support of external forces such as the United States.”

  1. The “small circle” of the United States, Japan and the Philippines is afraid that the South China Sea will not be in chaos(, April 13)

A critical reaction to trilateral summit between US, Japan, Philippines. Note former president Duterte being quoted as a third party validator:“If East Asia is peaceful, the legitimacy of the US hegemony will be questioned. The South China Sea issue has thus become an excuse for the United States to intervene in the affairs of the Asia-Pacific region. In a recent interview, former Philippine President Duterte pointed out that “the South China Sea was originally very peaceful, but after the Americans came, it was full of quarrels.”

  1. Chinese Embassy in the Philippines: We advise the Philippines not to be a pawn in containing China (, April 13)

This embassy spokesperson was quoted frequently in multiple reposted articles

  1. Why is there a new round of “selling misery and playing tricks” in the Philippines? (Dazhong Net, April 28)

“In the South China Sea, the Philippines is directing more ‘dramas’. In order to realize its unreasonable desire to occupy China’s South China Sea islands and reefs, it sometimes plays miserably and sometimes plays tricks. Just last weekend, it did this again.”…“Since March this year, the Philippines has increased its provocations in the waters near Ren’ai Reef. On March 5, two Philippine replenishment ships and two coast guard ships intruded into the waters near Ren’ai Reef, transported construction materials and supplies to their illegally ‘grounded’ warships, and deliberately collided with Chinese coast guard ships, resulting in minor scratches. The Chinese Coast Guard controlled and regulated them according to law.”

Published after the incident:

  1. The Philippines bears an unshirkable responsibility for the tense situation in the South China Sea (Zhongsheng) (, June 27)

“The Philippines, together with foreign forces, has been stirring up trouble in the South China Sea and frequently provoking incidents, causing serious harm to regional peace, stability, prosperity and development. We advise the Philippines to recognize the general trend, return to the track of abiding by and implementing the spirit of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea as soon as possible, and work with China to maintain the overall situation of bilateral relations and peace and stability in the South China Sea.” …… “Recently, the Philippine government secretly reinforced the dilapidated warships anchored at Ren’ai Reef under the guise of “humanitarian supplies”. The Philippines illegally invaded the waters of Ren’ai Reef without China’s permission, violated international law, violated the spirit of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea, and was a pure unreasonable provocation. The Philippine ships not only carried construction materials, but also smuggled weapons and equipment, deliberately rammed Chinese ships, and Philippine personnel also splashed water and threw objects at Chinese law enforcement personnel. The relevant practices have obviously exacerbated the tension at sea and seriously threatened the safety of Chinese personnel and ships. It is legal and reasonable for China to take necessary measures in accordance with the law to safeguard its sovereignty, and it is professional and restrained and beyond reproach.”